All you need to pass Ophthalmology
Covers the core elements of the undergraduate Ophthalmology curriculum. Each topic has been distilled to the essential information and test questions highlight important learning points. Key concepts are brought to life using stunning 3D animations.
What You Will Learn
Having worked through the chapters in each section the reader should have learned the following information:
Core Principles
- Clinically relevant basic anatomy of the orbit, globe, extraocular muscles and visual pathways
- Key points in taking an ophthalmic history
- Measurement of visual acuity / pin-hole acuity
- Pen-torch detection of eye abnormalities
- Eyelid eversion and the use of topical fluorescein
- Understand intraocular pressure and glaucoma
- Basic examination techniques for pupils, eye movements and confrontational visual fields
- How to use a direct ophthalmoscope
Ophthalmology in Practice
- Taking a history from a patient with a red eye
- Red eye classification summary
- Differential diagnosis of a red eye
- History taking in visual failure
- Testing vision in a clinical setting
- Common causes of gradual loss of vision, including cataract, glaucoma and “dry” AMD
- Important causes of sudden loss of vision, especially retinal artery / vein occlusion, “wet” AMD and retinal detachment
Medical students with a keen interest in Ophthalmology, Optometry students and Orthoptic students should aim to work through the whole website and attempt all the multiple choice test questions.
Anyone requiring the most basic understanding of Ophthalmology should concentrate on topics (and test questions) highlighted in the main menu with the ◆ symbol.